Thursday, 4 October 2012

Help to Give Our Students Some Examples

This Image on Flickr
If you're reading this, then you probably followed a tweet and your interest is greatly appreciated. Some brave teachers at NIST will be putting their likenesses online and open to our Year 10 students as a competition for the most interesting editing of the image. Of course, the results may be frightening but it's a fine example of our teachers being risk takers and 'walking the talk.'

If you have a few minutes to spare and care to crop out the background of this image and replace it with something far more interesting, this would be very helpful for getting the students' ideas flowing. Don't worry about how good it turns out. Effort is better than quality in this case. And something is better than nothing! Sorry for the crude green screen and if you don't have photo editing software installed on your computer, try out Pixlr online for free.

If anyone actually helps out with this, could you host your edited images online somewhere and tweet the results to @twowaystairs, please? Many thanks!

PS - Thanks to Alec and George Couros for the inspiration from their keynote at Learning 2.011 last year in Shanghai.